Common Questions Answered About McDonald’s Franchising

Published: June 04, 2024 | Updated: June 06, 2024

Franchising with McDonald’s offers a unique opportunity to become part of a globally recognized brand. However, potential franchisees often have many questions about the process, requirements, and benefits of owning a McDonald’s franchise. This article answers some of the most common questions about McDonald’s franchising to help you understand what to expect.

What is the initial investment required to open a McDonald’s franchise?

Initial Franchise Fee

The initial franchise fee for a McDonald’s franchise is approximately $45,000. This fee grants you the rights to operate a McDonald’s restaurant and covers the initial support provided by the company.

Total Investment

The total investment required to open a McDonald’s franchise ranges from $1,008,000 to $2,214,080. This includes costs such as equipment, signage, seating, décor, and initial inventory. The exact amount depends on various factors, including the restaurant’s location and size.

What ongoing fees must McDonald’s franchisees pay?

Royalty Fees

Franchisees are required to pay monthly royalty fees, which are typically around 4% of gross sales. These fees contribute to the ongoing support and development provided by McDonald’s.

Advertising Fees

Franchisees must also contribute to the national advertising fund, usually around 4% of gross sales. This fund supports national marketing campaigns that benefit all McDonald’s locations.

What financial qualifications are needed to become a McDonald’s franchisee?

Liquid Assets

Prospective franchisees need a minimum of $500,000 in non-borrowed personal resources. This ensures that the franchisee has sufficient liquidity to handle initial and ongoing expenses.

Net Worth

While McDonald’s does not specify an exact net worth requirement, having a strong financial position can strengthen your application and demonstrate your ability to manage and grow the business effectively.

What training and support does McDonald’s provide to franchisees?

Initial Training Program

McDonald’s offers a comprehensive Franchisee Training Program that typically lasts 12 to 18 months. This program covers all aspects of running a McDonald’s restaurant, including operations, management, financial planning, and marketing. The training includes both classroom instruction and hands-on experience in a McDonald’s restaurant.

Ongoing Support

Franchisees receive continuous support from McDonald’s through field consultants, regional support teams, and access to a network of resources. This includes marketing assistance, operational guidance, and regular training updates to ensure franchisees stay current with the latest practices and innovations.

How do McDonald’s franchisees choose a location for their restaurant?

Site Selection Process

McDonald’s retains significant control over the site selection process to ensure optimal locations for new restaurants. The company works with franchisees to identify and approve sites based on factors such as market potential, traffic patterns, and demographic data.

Development Requirements

Once a site is approved, franchisees are responsible for developing the location according to McDonald’s specifications. This includes building construction, interior design, and installation of equipment.

What is the typical length of a McDonald’s franchise agreement?

Initial Term

The initial term of a McDonald’s franchise agreement is generally 20 years. This long-term commitment allows franchisees to establish and grow their business with the backing of a stable and supportive brand.

Renewal Terms

The agreement includes provisions for renewal, usually in increments of 10 years. Franchisees must meet certain performance and compliance criteria to qualify for renewal, ensuring that only those who uphold McDonald’s standards continue to operate.

What are the key operational standards for McDonald’s franchisees?

Quality and Consistency

Maintaining high standards of food quality and consistency is essential for customer satisfaction and brand reputation. Franchisees must adhere to McDonald’s operational guidelines, which cover everything from food preparation to customer service.

Regular Audits

McDonald’s conducts regular audits and inspections to ensure compliance with operational standards. These evaluations help identify areas for improvement and ensure that all restaurants maintain the high standards expected by the company and its customers.


Owning a McDonald’s franchise can be a rewarding and profitable venture, but it requires a significant investment and commitment. By understanding the initial investment, ongoing fees, financial qualifications, training, support, site selection process, and operational standards, prospective franchisees can make informed decisions about joining the McDonald’s franchise system.


What is the initial franchise fee for a McDonald’s franchise?

The initial franchise fee is approximately $45,000.

What is the total investment required to open a McDonald’s franchise?

The total investment ranges from $1,008,000 to $2,214,080, depending on various factors such as location and restaurant size.

What ongoing fees do McDonald’s franchisees need to pay?

Franchisees pay monthly royalty fees of about 4% of gross sales and contribute to the national advertising fund, also around 4% of gross sales.

What financial qualifications are needed to become a McDonald’s franchisee?

Prospective franchisees need a minimum of $500,000 in non-borrowed personal resources and should have a strong financial position to demonstrate their ability to manage and grow the business effectively.

By addressing these common questions, prospective franchisees can gain a clearer understanding of what it takes to own and operate a McDonald’s franchise successfully.

Category: Franchising
